• sense clinically
  • think mechanistically
  • act interdisciplinarily
  • treat innovatively

BSIO Highlights 2022

As the year draws to a close, we look back at the highlights of 2022.

In the context of our 10 year anniversary we had an eventful and successful year.


We celebrated our birthday with our fundraising run "Running Against Cancer" and with our international conference "Tissue Damage and Healing in Cancer".

Besides the traditional BSIO Lecture Series in spring and fall, we had some very interesting workshops focusing on Fundraising for scientists, Career Strategy and Career Insights with Janssen.

The topic of data visualisation, which is relevant to all, was dealt with both in a workshop and further in a Winter School.

Furthermore we have addressed the topic of Mental Health in a small series of lectures.

The BSIO In-House Seminar gave our students the opportunity to present and discuss their projects with each other.

In addition, we honored several outstanding scientists. Dr. med. Uta Demel received the BSIO Mini-Lab Award and our students Kimberly Hartl and Yuen Lam Dora Ng received the “BSIO accelerator for emerging projects”.

A lively scientific exchange took place at our BSIO Speaker Series .We welcomed two interesting and inspiring guest speakers for the May edition Advances in Cancer Immunotherapy: Prof. John Anderson from the UCL Great Ormond St Institute of Child Health, London and Prof. Wilson W. Wong from the Boston University. Furthermore Prof. Neta Erez from the Tel Aviv University and Prof. Dr. Nicola Aceto from the ETH Zurich presented at the November edition Mechanisms underlying Cancer Metastasis. Many thanks to the Speaker Series organisation team.

BSIO meets Highschool Vol. 3 - I would also like to thank all the graduate students who actively supported me in informing over 50 interested students about the career and profession of a biomedical scientist in the field of cancer research.

The BSIO Alumni Day 2022 offered our current and former students the opportunity to get to know each other better and exchange ideas in a Christmas atmosphere.

I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome all the new BSIO students and wish all those who have completed their PhDs this year all the best.

We would like to sincerely thank all participants for this great year and wish you a Merry Christmas and a healthy and successful New Year!!!